U.S ICE Melting
- Reprint Canadian Automotive Fleet Aug 17 2021

U.S. President signed an executive order designed to support the phase out of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, while increasing the percentage of battery vehicles sold in the U.S. to 50 percent of new model sales by 2030. “The future is electric and there’s no turning back. The question is whether we’ll lead”, Biden said, adding the warning that “Right now China is leading the race. The administration has also proposed new vehicle emissions standards, beginning with a 10% fuel economy increase beginning with the 2023 model year. The 50% target is not legally binding, has won the support of many U.S. and foreign automakers, which said that achieving it would require billions of dollars in government funding. The goals of the administration and the OEMs are to include full battery electric, fuel cell and plug in hybrid vehicles that have a gasoline engine.